Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does your credential management services help my organization?

    It is often advantageous to outsource some or all of your program management.  We provide ongoing advisement and management to find the best credentialing solutions for you, Our experienced, knowledgable credential industry staff are dedicated to helping our clients succeed and we strategically partner with vendors to leverage advantageous pricing for our clients.

  • Do you offer other management supports

    Yes! We can support various aspects of your organization such as providing credential advisory staff, financial services, and office and phone support. 

  • I'm concerned about our organization's culture. Can you advise?

    Yes, we can.  We employ licensed psychologists with experience in organizational leadership to help organizations identify issues and implement processes to realize the culture that will lead to success.

  • I have a testing vendor. What do you offer that they don't?

    We have knowledge of all the major vendors in the industry and can collaborate with your current vendor or we can work through one of our partner organizations.
     Clients ask us to do many things to help with their programs.   Examples include:

    • Evaluate process and look for improvements
    • Operate on your behalf to guide your test delivery vendor and maintain operations with an emphasis on your business needs
    • Create advanced item writing workshops designed specifically for your group needs
    • Review RFPs, proposals and negotiate with your vendors.
  • I'd like some psychometric work done. Can you help?

    Definitely.  We can do short term work such as job task analyses, standard settings, research projects and surveys or we can do ongoing item analyses.  

  • Do you build new exams?

    Yes. We offer exam development from the ground up. This includes a new certification program as well as online learning tools such as state law exams.