DE&I, Cultural Humility, and Implicit Bias Training

DE&I Workshops for Exam Teams

We have designed specialized training for exam development groups that introduces the concepts of cultural humility, inclusivity, equity and implicit bias and provides guidance on how that impacts the item writing process.   We examine how these concepts influence the the work environment and the exam life cycle with real world guidance on how to use this knowledge.

" If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn.

Tara award

Award Winning Training

Congratulations to Dr, Tara Raines for receiving the Women's History Month Award from the City of Henderson, NV in recognition of contribution to Youth leadership Development.  Tara led the organization and execution of the Regional Young Women's Leadership Conference.  This event was designed to facilitate leadership and self agency for over 350 young women in Clark County

Customized WorkShops or Retreats

We design trainings based on organizational requests and needs. Our sessions are engaging and inviting to encourage candid and open discussion. Creating a safe space can reduce unknown barriers and allow teams to honestly explore patterns and actions. Some topics include:

• Power dynamics and belonging in the workplace
• Enhancing inclusive leadership and an inclusive workspace
• Best practice in exam content development
• Examination bias, stakeholder perceptions, and effective communication strategies

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Our Perspectives on Proper Exam Construction, and Methods to Reduce Bias

Clear Exam Review Fall 2023

Licensing Exam Construction, Validation, and Differential Pass Rates: What Regulators Should Know, by Matt Turner and Tara Raines



Committed To The Perfect Experience

  • Customized Training and Retreats

  • Speaking Engagements

  • DE&I Expertise Specific to the Credentialing Community